There are 13 ways we have put together here but this morning we will talk about 5 and I want you to study them very well and as you do God will bless you.
1. Be reasonable and considerate: your
fairness should be visible to others.
This includes sober, free of excesses.
"Your tongue (words) has the power
of life and death; those who love to
talk will reap the
consequences." (depression,
incitement, anger, judging, harshness,
unfairness, untruth, sarcasm, reverse
logic, mean, hate, and even: leading
to injury, unjust war,...).
Say what is true in love. Don't cuss,
berate, rant or rave. Stand firm and
tall, not being unnecessarily "mean".
If you slip in anger or nonsense --
apologize; mean it and go forward.
2. Love others. Listen more. Be positive;
be enthused about the hope that you
have. Be fair, not treating people
indiscriminately, indifferently, but treat
them individually, not coloring everybody
with a wide brush.
3. Take a Bible with you just about
everywhere you go: whether it is the
mall or the arcade with your little brother
or sister.
Read your Bible every morning and
every night, or anytime for answers to
spiritual questions. It would be helpful
to have two Bibles: a study Bible for
home and a gift Bible for travel, that
you can give away -- if someone
needs it.
.4. Create a Bible study notebook .
Pray every morning, every night,
before every meal, when in doubt,
when you're scared, when you're in need of
spiritual help, or just any time you can.
If someone else comes to you with a
problem, offer to pray with them.
You'd be surprised at how helpful this
can be from their view.
5.Go to Sunday morning church service,
Sunday night church service,
Wednesday night church service, and any
other church service such as: live nativity,
revival, Bible study, and/or baptisms.
We will continue tomorrow take out time to read, and may God grant you understanding for a better life Amen.. #elvisoelvis@write