Tuesday 30 June 2015

LIVING YOUR LIFE FULLY You are a distinctive and individual expression of a Creative Force. You are not a blueprint or a carbon copy or a ditto of anyone past, present, or future. You are you and there is no one quite like you in the world. You don't look exactly like anyone else, you don't live exactly like anyone else. There are things you can do better than anyone else can do them, and there are qualities and talents that no one else can possess in exactly the same way that you do. There are thoughts that are your own special revelation. That which makes you YOU is personal, unique, and exclusive. All of this is a reflection of a world and a life within. Talk about how to be a success! The successful person is simply the one who does his or her best with the things he or she can do better than anyone else. Talk about living well! Who lives better that the ones who are true to their own inner light? Talk about being interesting! What is more interesting than the person who is being him or herself? Talk about how to be happy! The happy, self- unfolded people are those who, with a will to believe in the world and the life within, have found that the secret of really getting the most out of life is to make the most of the qualities that are innately their own. teensandyouthsplatphom@gmail.com
A CHALLENGE TO THE 21ST CENTURY TEENAGER AND YOUTH. By Elvis Elvis Article One. Consider this ... Many people tend to think of today's youth as the leaders of tomorrow. But Scripture never places us in such a category. It never instructs us to wait until we are more mature or knowledgeable or skilled before we begin to take God's Word seriously and consider what plans and purposes the Lord has for our lives. According to God's Word, we are to be leaders even today who earnestly desire to honor and serve our Lord in all our thoughts and actions. Paul told Timothy, a younger man in the faith, ;"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (1 Tim. 4:12). God specifically commands us, as young people, to be leaders—to lead by example. We are to understand God's instructions to us and let the world watch us grow in our spiritual walk with the Lord. As a young person myself, I am burdened for the church in the days ahead, and I am burdened for today's youth who must not only strive to live exemplary lives right now (that is, a life that is an example for others to follow), but who will one day attempt to serve as faithful leaders within the body of Christ, the church. I am burdened because it is not getting any easier to live in this world. I am burdened because young Christians today often fail to understand that God desires to have a close, intimate relationship with them right now, a relationship that only comes about when we obey the Scriptures. Sadly, many young people often feel as though God will only use them or speak to them through His Word when they grow older. Yet this is certainly not true! I know that many adults do not always provide the right examples for us to follow. Some are downright hypocritical. Others do not even seem to care what God's Word has to say at all. Others may truly desire to follow Christ but find themselves more interested in what some individual has to say or what some program has to offer rather than what God's Word teaches. Today, as many older believers tend to disregard the teaching of God's Word in order to be accepted by others, we who are younger are witnessing this tragic compromise, this disregard for Biblical truth. To be contd. #teensandyouthsplatphom@gmail.com#

Monday 29 June 2015

BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN TEEN AND YOUTH. In conclusion we have the remaining part of this article. 11. Find the right friends: in other words, make friends that will be a good support system for you and encourage you to be your best self, not a completely different person. Be friendly with everyone. However, avoid falling under the bad influences of troublemakers, backstabbers, liars or bullies. Don't fight with others. Always turn the other cheek. Don't growl. Try to maintain your composure when stressed. Get energized, enthusiastic and inspired, but not frenzied; have an edge by living by faith (not by sight), not allowing moods or feelings to change your outlook! However, also know anxiety is a human emotion and there's no way to dodge it entirely. Find quiet ways to curb anxiety, sadness, anger, etc. Activities such as sports, writing and drawing can do a great at helping you relieve yourself as they become a distraction. If you need help and know things are out of control, never be afraid to ask. Also remember that crying is a natural and healthy way of relieving stress, just try to do it either alone or with people you know. Be a peacemaker. Don't get in harsh disagreements with people, whether it is physical or not. If there are direct insults, discrimination, aggression or anything intended to hurt, it's gone too far. Don't gossip about other people. It can really hurt somebody and yourself, when you cut-down others without good reason. Don't EVER be a bully -- cyber, verbal, or physical. If you see another person being bullied for whatever reason, never be afraid to stand up for them. Odds are, they'll be very grateful for your help and admire your courage. Don't stay in abusive or toxic situations. The only thing you owe anybody who is going out of their way to hurt you is a kick out of your life. Don't avoid people because they have a different religion or ideology. Many of these people won't pressure you to change who you are and you can learn a lot from such friendships. Demonstrate respect, fairness and kindness to others at all times. Be respectful to your elders at all times. Be set free of fear, hate and shame by living in Christ. 12. Offer to do things like teach younger children in Sunday school: Offer to sing the special at your church service. Volunteer, such as: in the nursery or toddler room during Sunday service. Volunteer to help the teachers during VBS (vacation Bible school). 13. Be active and involved in good things with your family and friends. Have fun learning, working and doing chores at home and helping your family and friends. Set a good example for children and younger teenagers. If you're not comfortable with your brother or sister doing something, don't do it yourself. Do your best in school. Make a good effort to study hard and love your schoolwork, it will reward you well after you graduate. If you have a job, be a diligent worker, complete all your tasks on time and try to get along with your boss and co-workers. Don't get in a habit of living on line, with social media or in chat-rooms or gaming all the time. Don't choose or watch inappropriate movies or videos -- cruel, bloody, violent, hate-filled, hard-core, vulgar, explicit content of many kinds, some include: 'R, R-17, X, XXX, porn',... Avoid listening to crude music -- gang, violent, hate or trash-talk, i.e.: cussing like "'bi-atch', glorifying of 'ho', 'pimp'..." or other inappropriate content (unworthy of your time and attention). Stay loyal to God and strive to be your best self [now]. teensandyouthsplatphom@gmail.com Elvis Elvis write me@gmail.com

Saturday 27 June 2015

GIVING IS WORSHIP Morning Scripture “And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts...” (Matthew 2:11. When the wise men first saw Jesus, they were completely overwhelmed. They fell to their knees and wanted to worship Him with everything they had. Giving was an automatic response. They wanted to lavish Him with their love and gifts. They were giving because they were thankful and wanted to honor Him. When you give to God, He doesn’t want you to do it just because it’s offering time or because you feel like you have to. In fact, the Bible says, “Do not give grudgingly or under compulsion.” God wants you to give because your heart is overflowing with thankfulness. He wants you to be happy and cheerful when you give. He loves a cheerful giver! Meditate on the faithfulness of God today. Think about what He’s done for you—that He’s saved and redeemed You. Dwell on the fact that He is your provider. As you meditate on His goodness, your heart will overflow with thankfulness, and just like the wise men, giving will be an automatic response! A Prayer for this morning... “Father, I choose to meditate on Your goodness today. Thank You for loving and saving me. Thank You for redeeming my life from the pit. I give You everything that I am today in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Elvis Elvis write me@gmail.com

Friday 26 June 2015

Elvis Elvis

Elvis Elvis
Be A Good Christian Teenager/Youth. We started this yesterday and like we said we have 13 Good steps you should follow and inculcate as a good teen/youth Here we have from 6 to 10 just like we had 1 to 5 yesterday Read and digest this and make these part of you. 6. Talk to others about Jesus; you would be surprised how much one person can make a difference. Confronting/arguing with friends and family about sensitive subjects like this is a surefire way to make them feel irritated or uncomfortable. So, be patient and mindful of their feelings, avoid topics that are particularly touchy; pray for them and do not criticize them directly. Practicing an idea of what to say in advance is also a good idea to ensure you're conveying what you're trying to in a way that seems non-judgmental and easier for them to listen to. It's up to them to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior, but you can be supportive. 7. Donate some time, money and possessions "to others in need of your help, giving all of your old clothes to a needy person, family or places like " Little saint Orphanage, Compassionate Opharnage and Aged Home etc. Occasionally, volunteer and do daily, personal charity of your own. In the Gospels, Jesus commands: "Love one another." -- saying "if you have no [such] love, then you are none of mine." 8. Try to be as natural as possible, because God made mankind the way He wanted us, in his image, and wants us to improve. God does not want us to try to change ourselves superficially -- with things like strange hair dye, body piercings, and tattoos. But, if you have done all that and then come to Christ, use it all to advantage to reach the people similar to yourself, who may feel out of place with the most genteel and proper of great Christians, who don't get it... Be well groomed, take care of your body and carry yourself well in both posture and confidence. Cleanliness and neatness also apply to your clothing, all of this will help you make a good impression, regardless of your taste in clothes. Invest a little time in good skin and hair care daily -- to enhance your appearance, naturally. Girls, dress for success, modestly: that means no mini skirts, short dresses, low cut tops, sleeveless tops, and/or short shorts. This isn't as limiting as you may think, modest clothes can still match your personal style quite nicely. Consider visiting a department store -- with someone whose tastes in clothing you respect -- to try new things on and see what styles and colors look better on you. Girls, a little makeup can enhance natural beauty. All you need for daily wear is a bit of brown or blackish brown mascara, sheer lip gloss and blush in a flattering shade. Try concealer, if you have acne -- or use powder, if you have oily skin; just be careful to not overdo it. A little eyeshadow, eyeliner and natural lipliner/lipstick are for special occasions. The key is to enhance, not overpower, what God has given you. 9. If you have not already, then get saved: ask Jesus into your heart (your core being) and ask to receive the Holy Spirit ; just go to your preacher or another trusted adult such as a parent, Sunday school teacher, or even a friend's parent, and ask one to help you with getting saved. Not by work but by receiving the free gift, "by faith through God's grace"; so that, after you accept God's plan, then you will actively work and extend grace, because we "love others as he first loved us", and also "do good- works appointed" for each of us, as you accept and pass that grace (unmerited favor) on to others, and because you are justified, and pardoned freely by God -- for all you have ever done or do. Realize that you will get what you plant into your own life and into the lives of others -- "you'll reap what you sow", in another way of expressing that. Follow up being saved: you should get baptised and live for Jesus, seeking the best of God's plan, for whatever you do. Encourage others to be saved and baptised. 10. Follow Jesus and The Ten Commandments all of the time. Love God! Show it by loving others -- helping those in need. Anybody can say that they love God, but also show that you do through actions and words. Honor you father and you mother at all times no matter how hard it may be. Arguing nicely with them may not be pleasant, but it comes with being a teenager and a human. Just make sure you resolve any conflicts that arise, take the initiative to do this, if necessary and try your best to stay on good terms with them Do not steal or cheat. Be honest, not wasting breath or killing time. Create a Christian website and/or articles with your notes and other info like inspiring testimonies and Bible verses. If you have a Facebook, you may also consider putting verses there for your friends to see and talk about how much God has done for you. elviselvis@write me.com#

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Be a Good Christan Teen/Youth

 There are 13 ways we have put together here but this morning we will talk about 5 and I want you to study them very well and as you do God will bless you.

1. Be reasonable and considerate: your fairness should be visible to others. This includes sober, free of excesses. "Your tongue (words) has the power of life and death; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." (depression, incitement, anger, judging, harshness, unfairness, untruth, sarcasm, reverse logic, mean, hate, and even: leading to injury, unjust war,...). Say what is true in love. Don't cuss, berate, rant or rave. Stand firm and tall, not being unnecessarily "mean". If you slip in anger or nonsense -- apologize; mean it and go forward.
2. Love others. Listen more. Be positive; be enthused about the hope that you have. Be fair, not treating people indiscriminately, indifferently, but treat them individually, not coloring everybody with a wide brush.
3. Take a Bible with you just about everywhere you go: whether it is the mall or the arcade with your little brother or sister. Read your Bible every morning and every night, or anytime for answers to spiritual questions. It would be helpful to have two Bibles: a study Bible for home and a gift Bible for travel, that you can give away -- if someone needs it.
.4. Create a Bible study notebook . Pray every morning, every night, before every meal, when in doubt, when you're scared, when you're in need of spiritual help, or just any time you can. If someone else comes to you with a problem, offer to pray with them. You'd be surprised at how helpful this can be from their view.
 5.Go to Sunday morning church service, Sunday night church service, Wednesday night church service, and any other church service such as: live nativity, revival, Bible study, and/or baptisms.
 We will continue tomorrow take out time to read, and may God grant you understanding for a better life Amen.. #elvisoelvis@write me.com